Thursday, August 4, 2011

Log Home Maintenance: Important Before Winter Sits In

Late summer and early fall are excellent times to clean, stain and finish your log home. Log and timber frame homes can be protected with penetrating finishes for a stained look, or film forming finishes for a varnished appearance that approaches a fine furniture look. World of Stains offers products that provide UV protection, that will hold up to harsh sunlight and weather. Film forming finishes are more susceptible to peeling if not maintained properly, so consider the maintenance recommendations of the manufacturer before making your choice. Once you use a film forming finish on exterior wood, you cannot go back and use a penetrating finish unless the previous coating is completely removed. Following are steps to follow in maintaining your log home:

1. Clean the logs with a wood cleaning product. The wood cleaner will remove any dirt, mold or mildew that may have accumulated on the log surface. Apply the cleaner and let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Then scrub it down with a nylon bristle brush. Rinse the logs down thoroughly with water after cleaning. Check for any cracks and checks that need to be caulked before you begin staining.

2. Use a wood brightener to lighten the logs back up if they turn dark after cleaning. Apply the wood brightener and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse it off thoroughly with water. Allow 24 hours of drying time prior to staining.

3. Select a quality log home stain. Look for a product with high solids content, 60 percent or higher. Solids content is the ratio of effective ingredients to solvent to protect your home from moisture. The effective ingredients are oils and pigment. Solvent helps the oils and pigment penetrate the wood. High-quality pigments are important because the pigment is what protects your logs from the sun's harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays. A penetrating oil-based log home finish is a complete product that both stains, and seals your wood.

4. Apply the stain using a paint brush, roller, or sprayer. Work along the length of each log. Be sure to work the stain into the groves and spaces between the logs. If the wood is dry, apply as much stain as the wood will absorb without over applying. Very dry homes may require two or three coats. Remove excess stain with a dry brush.

For more information on our products and what will work best for your home, give us a call at 1-866-645-5544. Our in-house experts will provide you with answers to any wood stain or finish question. Thanks to Robert Howard at for information contained in this blog.


  1. Great points. I believe that regular care and maintenance are essential for protecting that investment and if it's a log home that generally means finding ways to control moisture. When left unprotected wood surfaces will discolor and then deteriorate over time. So do yourself and your log home a favor by performing some routine maintenance every year.

  2. If you are the proud owner of a log home, it is imortant to keep yourself updated on maintenance tips. They will help keep your home in tiptop shape, providing you with a beautiful and comfortable shelter for a long time.


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